Sponsor Us
The PyBay Conference is an annual gathering of Pythonistas put on by the Bay Area Python Association. We’re excited to announce
that we will be returning in October 2025, to the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, CA. This event is 100%
community organized and is funded through the generosity of our sponsors.
About the Bay Area Python Association and PyBay Conference
The Bay Area Python Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating
developers within the San Francisco Bay about Python. The PyBay Conference is the main fundraising event of the year. The event is an annual one that has been held every year since 2016 making this the 9th year.
On average, we sell out our venue and have ~300 attendees a year.
Past Sponsors
Click here to see 2024 sponsors!
Sponsor Prospectus
Notable Changes in our Prospectus
We have updated our prospectus to include more benefits to sponsors and
to help us attract sponsors whom we believe our attendees will love. A few key
things to highlight:
- New Lanyard sponsorship option
- New Diversity sponsorship option
- New Happy Hour sponsorship option
How We Use The Funds
All sponsorship funds are used for the benefit of the PyBay Conference and
Bay Area Python Association and the San Francisco Python community. We utilize funds to pay our venue,
vendors, supplies, and all other things conference related. Any surplus funds that we
collect are used to fund the minimal operating cost of the Bay Area Python Association for the
remainder of the year (primarily costs around bookkeeping, email, and foundation
governance), as well as make next year’s PyBay better.
Also, in an attempt to make PyBay as accessible as possible to everyone, we
subsidize our Individual ticket prices with Corporate tickets and Sponsorship
funds. By doing this we are able to keep PyBay Individual tickets as low as
possible, ensuring that everyone can attend.
Health and Safety
Our attendees' health and safety remain our top priority as we continue to monitor
the state of the pandemic and look to venue, local, state, and CDC guidelines to
make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements.
You can view our full Health and Safety Requirements on our website.
Thank you for considering to sponsor PyBay.
If you’re interested in sponsoring PyBay, please reach out to